Monday, February 29, 2016


Duties and responsibilities: A lawyer is a person who practices law, as a barrister, judge, attorney, counsel (counselor at law) or solicitor.[1] Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services.

Salary: 113,530 USD
Education: Doctoral or professional degree

Reflection : I would want to be a lawyer because it seems to be an Interesting job. This job seems to be a job that I would like to do to fight for justice this is interesting job because you get to find out the crime and also the investigation and give your opinions.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

"if you do what's right ,if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of."-Rachel Castillo

I agree with this statement because this statement pretty much say that if you do good things good things will come back eventually and every thing will end up being doing things right and in general living the right way that's really good witch might help you get good ending be taken care of means to not really struggle to have guidance maybe not some one physically there to tell you where and when to go places but for the majority there will just be a party of your instincts that will help lead and guide you to the right path of life. For example if you see a lady on the street begging for change because she really needs her try your best tio give her a dollar or two because it makes you feel good and you are helping others .because of you giving helpful act now whop knows maybe in the future if you were struggling so nice person may pass on the act and help you pay for food or something. you shouldn't just be thinking about it as what will you receive In the future but imagine the help and the thankfulness of the other .lesson is to pass on something good because you never know when you may need that same exact help.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"In life as in football, you wont go far, unless you know where goalposts are"-Arnold H Glasgow

I agree with this statement because in the end you have to really know where you going to go and hat things you will have to accomplish on the way to ultimately reach the big goal. You  have to set there goals if you expect them to be done. Its a way of making T  people know what they are working for . something so that in the end they know that they accomplished something big and really did score life you will also need a game plan to plan out what will happen if I really do achieve my goal what happens if I don't how will I get up and come back harder and how will I finish. just as in football how will this team be the other if they lose will they still go to playoffs how will they make their mark untimely. You need to know you goals and possibly plan for the worst thing or possibly even the best thing should be planned for .

Friday, February 19, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"whats right inst always popular.whats popular isn't always right."-Albert Eisenstein
Image result for albert einsteini agree with this quote because this is saying the the popular thing is not really the good thing.although you may want to copy what the others do to be popular it dosent mean its right. Sometimes you may think that some things are right but honestly you never know because sometimes some things will be wrong. Also this quote means that being right is not going to make you popular in life because you never know if you will ever be right. I agree with this quote because Albert Einstein is saying what’s right because sometimes right is not always popular and it may never always be right. Another reason why I do agree it's because many people think that just because you right does not mean you can bring others down and right is not always going to be right or make you popular. An example would be to do what’s best for you and think what you think. Don’t think about what other people think just do you. Also don't think that being right means being popular because it’s not. And people are never going to be right sometimes they will learn from their mistakes. Sometimes they are going to be right and sometimes they are going to be wrong they both happen.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"you cant be right by doing wrong; you cant be wrong by doing right." - Thomas s Monson 
 in agree with this quote because when you are with  a group of friends and someone says to do something bad they will try to convince you that its right , possibly even the other way around. many people dont really know whats right anymore because they think what wrong is going to be right and whats wrong is right now. many have things wrong and really dont know the difference .i agree with this quote because by saying some one is wrong you cant really justify it in personal reality you now have to know whats really right and if its right then do it and if its wrong there will probably be no way to ever make it right .to summarize you and every one should just do the right thing and there will be no option or debate as to what really is the right thing to do.

Monday, February 8, 2016

"Enthusiasm makes the difference."- Dr.Norman Vincent Peale
i agree with this statement becuse in life there are two ways to go thru the fun enthusiastic way or the boring sad can approach your situations happy and enthusiastic or boring witch will make things boring. and example that i like to use is 'be the life of the party" with your positivity it might lead others to being positive and will make your event happy. positive energy will keep the mood of things fun or boring.for example disneyland is an extremely enthusiastic place, when at disneyland you honestly really can't stay mad. to be enthusiastic will make you and the people around you feel dose mak ehe differece to the people around dose make the difference of how you will enjoythings .even when others are down and fealing sad you can bve the one to feel great when you lift there mood and make then feel sumarize like every one else may always say there are two different ways to go thru life the funj and  enthusiastic way or the sad depressed boring way. be positive and stay positive to make the world around you vbright and enthusiastic.